Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder, with over 30% of teens and adults experiencing an anxiety disorder in their lifetimes.  In just the past year, approximately 1 in 5 adults met the criteria for an anxiety disorder.  For teens and college students, in particular, these numbers are rising at alarming rates.  In their annual survey asking freshmen, ‘Do you feel overwhelmed?’, UCLA found 18% students said yes in 1985.  By 2016, that number had climbed to 41%. While OCD occurs in far fewer cases (about 1 in 40 adults experience OCD over their lifetimes), it can be more debilitating—50% of adults with OCD report being severely impaired by it.  At District Anxiety Center, our mission is to identify and treat anxiety disorders and OCD to improve quality of life for teens and adults.  

Social Anxiety Disorder

Worrying excessively about what others think of you, fearing judgment or embarrassment; potentially avoiding people and social situations, or second-guessing social interactions

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Excessive, unrealistic worry about a lot of situations on most days, often centered on the safety and wellbeing of oneself and loved ones, but extending to the social and political climate

Panic Disorder

Panic attacks—scary and uncomfortable physical sensations that can make you feel like you’re dying—and/or the fear that one could strike at any moment, leading to avoidance of places and situations


Intense fear of a specific situation, object or animal—like flying, public speaking, or vomiting—that typically leads to significant avoidance and/or great distress

Illness Anxiety Disorder

Worrying excessively that you could become sick, or misinterpreting mild bodily symptoms as serious or life threatening; often developing extensive health checking and doctor-seeking behaviors

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Recurring intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors or rituals (compulsions) that may reduce anxiety in the short-term, but can cause significant distress and interfere with daily living and freedom, both in the short- and long-term

Hair Pulling and Skin Picking Disorders

Picking or pulling your skin or hair repeatedly in a way that may be soothing at times, but can cause physical damage and lead to feelings or embarrassment or shame